Monday, July 26, 2010

Out and about

Does it every feel good to have a moment to sit and relax! Even with castings and work slowing down, I've been keeping myself very busy the last few days. Although going out nearly every night has become a constant, I'm making a point of seeing the city as well. Having been tucked away in the model van for a few weeks , it's refreshing to get out and enjoy the sun. And boy, is there a lot of it! With my gym membership motivating me to get up early in the mornings and the late dinners keeping me out all night, I should probably be feeling exhausted. But of course I haven't had a spare moment to let it set in. Although I'm loving the free time, it would be great to book some more jobs before I have to come home. Hopefully my recent test shoot brings in some bookings; the photos are hilarious, I can't believe I'm conforming to Japanese style! Check out some snaps from Yoyogi and the behind-the-scenes.

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